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Name/ Meno | John Ponisciak |
Date of birth/ Dátum narodenia | |
Date of death/ Dátum úmrtia | |
Father/ Otec | John Ponisciak (3631) |
Mother/ Matka | Anna Cisarik (3630) |
Children/ Deti | |
Partner | |
Siblings/ Súrodenci | Cyril Ponisciak (3632) Stephen Ponisciak (3633) Andrew Ponisciak (3634) Joseph Ponisciak (3636) George Ponisciak (3637) Mary Ponisciak (3638) Anne Ponisciak (3639) Katherine Ponisciak (3640) Elizabeth Ponisciak (3641) Dorothy Ponisciak (3642) |
Relations/ Vzťahy (napr. adopcia) | |
Profession/ Povolanie |